Heltec LoRa 32


    Highly integrated

Integrate the functions of MCU, SX125x LoRa chip, radio frequency loop switch, radio frequency circuit, lithium battery management, USB to serial port, etc.

Users only need a Micro USB connection to get complete wi-fi, bluetooth and LoRa functions.

    Better low power consumption design

The ESP32 chip has a high level of low-power performance in the industry, including fine resolution clock gate control, power saving mode and dynamic voltage regulation.Designed for mobile devices, wearable electronics and Internet of things applications.Resting current 800uA ± 50uA(the instructions executed by MCU need to be read from the FLASH chip used on the board, so the power consumption cannot be reached to the limit)

    More stable performance

The new version of WIFI LoRa 32 has redesigned the circuit part and upgraded the safety and stability of the circuit on the premise of keeping the pin order and the previous generation unchanged.Including better impedance matching and more scientific power supply circuits.Work at 30 ° C to + 80 ° C temperature range.

Support WIFI802.11 b/g/n/e/i ,Traditional bluetooth and BLE low-power dual-mode bluetooth;

The LoRa + LPAWAN protocol is the most mature and stable narrowband Internet of things communication technology.

    The long distance

LoRa spread spectrum communication has the characteristics of long communication distance. Under the premise of good impedance matching and sufficient power supply, in the open area, our communication distance can reach 3Km.


LPAWAN uses double encryption, preventing the possibility of radio eavesdropping.

    Low power consumption

Within one transmission cycle of the system, only a few milliseconds were in the working state, and the rest of the time was in the deep sleep state.For example, if an application sends a set of data in 8 hours, the whole system runs in milliseconds during those 8 hours, and the rest of the time is in deep sleep.This can greatly reduce the use of batteries.

Support the Arduino IDE

Rich routine reference support Espressif SDK?Arduino?MircoPython?NodeMCU

The upgraded version of LoRa perfectly inherits all the routines of the previous version, adding deep-sleep mode, power display, dual-core control and other series routines.

Hundred megabytes tool kit to facilitate development, providing schematic diagram, development documents;

BaiDu Netdisk, GitHub a variety of data platform;

  •        Frequency  240MHz
  •         FLASH 64M-bits
  •         The processor  2 Tensilica LX6 + 1 ULPThe processor
  •         Main control chip ESP32
  •         LoRachip support frequency band   SX1276 868-915 923MHz  SX1278(433-510MHz)
  •         Open communication distance 3KM
  •         Computing power As high as 600 dmips
  •         Dual mode bluetooth  Traditional bluetooth and BLE low power bluetooth
  •         The development environment Perfect support for Arduino
  •         Working voltage   3.3v~ 7v
  •         Operating range temperature -40~80
  •         Receiver sensitivity -139dbm SF12, BW125KHz
  •         UDP continuous throughput 135Mbps
  •         USB-to-UART bridge chip CP2102
  •         WIFI Support mode sniffer Station softAP Wi-Fi Direct